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The Whitehall Bowling Club


Whitehall Bowling Club was founded in 1885 by a group of local businessmen.  At that time it was called the Whitehall Bowling, Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club.  The Croquet lawn eventually became a tennis court but in 1964 it was transformed into a car park.  The Club was then renamed the Whitehall Bowling Club.  The Club is situated in the West End of Aberdeen surrounded by granite terraced houses. 

We encourage new members to join and we have four qualified coaches who run regular coaching sessions throughout the outdoor bowling season teaching the key skills and etiquette of the game. 


The Clubhouse is always busy hosting monthly social events throughout the year.  The Club also has its own dominoes section as well as a group of Mah Jong players who meet up during the winter months. 


​The Club is affiliated to the Bon-Accord Bowling Association, the Aberdeen and District Ladies Bowling Association and BowlsScotland.


To:       All Whitehall Members

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is the new Data Protection process which comes into effect on Friday 25 May 2018

In line with the above, it is the Club’s responsibility to notify Members of all personal data held, what this data is used for and with whom it is shared – this information is shown below.  We will not share your personal information with anyone or any organisation other than those identified below.

The Club Secretary updates and maintains an Excel spreadsheet which is shared with the Membership Secretary and Treasurer and which contains the following information for each Member:

Year Joined                  )

Surname                      )           

First Name                    )           This information is used to compile the WhitehallMembershipBookannually

Address                        )

Telephone Number      )

In addition to the above, the following information is held on the spreadsheet:

E-mail Address                         Used to communicate Club information to Members electronically

Male/Female                           Ordinary and Junior Members only – used to compile BowlsScotland and Bon-Accord                                         Bowling Association capitation figures on an annual basis

Age Range                                Ordinary and Junior Members only – used to complete BowlsScotland surveys as                                                required.  Ranges are 8-11, 12-15, 16-24, 25-55, 56-65 and Over 66

Date of Birth                            Junior Members only – used to determine when a Junior will move to Ordinary                                                  Member status

Action Required

If you are content for the Club to hold the above personal data then no action is required

If you do not wish the Club to hold the above personal data then you can ask the Club to:

1.         Provide a copy of your personal data and information on how the Club processes the data 

2.         Correct or complete any incorrect or incomplete personal data held by the Club  

3.         Delete all personal data held by the Club

4.         Stop or limit the processing of your personal data and 

5.         Provide all personal data in a particular format for your re-use 

The Club must then take the action required by the Member within one month of the receipt of the request

Briefing Paper

A copy of the “Briefing paper on the key changes under the GDPR for clubs” has been placed on the Club notice board if Members require further information




18 May 2018





Whitehall Tournament Sponsors 

(Click link to enter site)


Audrey Fotheringham

Jones Eye Care



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